I am enjoying this podcast series immensely. I also concur on the value of Toby Ord’s popular output (fwiw).

As T C has in their comment asked a statistical question of a statistician, I predict with strong confidence that we’ll be getting on measures of central tendency rsn ;).

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Not had a chance to listen to this episode yet. But before I forget, I'd be really interested in an episode about average temperatures and how they are determined.

I've read somewhere that this year July temperatures in England are lower than average by 2° C.

I'd really like someone to break down the stats on this and whether that's true, because to us up North it feels like it's at least 10° C less than usual! (Okay, I'm prone to hyperbolise but you get the point).

Not to mention the doom and gloom of the past 10 months and general lack of sunshine.

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