I see the difficulties in testing different therapy techniques for depression where double-blinding isn't possible and that this could lead to bias in reported outcomes. Can that not be mitigated somewhat by the use of related objective measures - time off work, hospitalisations, suicide rate etc? Or is CBT used more for mild depression where this data would be too scant?

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I had to laugh listening to this episode, because our 11-year-old was just introduced to Sigmund "Frood" through a family screening of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure last weekend. We're a very high culture bunch.

And I'll confess I haven't seen The Sopranos, either; nor have I seen Lost, Game of Thrones, or most critically acclaimed TV shows during the height of their fame. I've only recently come around to Stranger Things--which I'm thoroughly enjoying--but I'm about 8 years behind. I've been the butt of many friendly jokes over the years, but I suppose I've brought that on myself to a certain extent.

Another fascinating episode! Aaron Beck and CBT were just picking up steam during my undergrad in the '90s, but it's absolutely exploded since then. I recall brief therapy (roughly 10 sessions) being a phenomenon at the time, which I imagine was probably replaced by CBT.

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