We’re beyond delighted that so many of you have been listening to The Studies Show - not only are we racking up listeners and subscribers (which meant that at one point we rocketed to the very top of the UK science podcast charts), but we also had a lovely review in The Times last week!
We’re just getting started, and we’d love your help to make the podcast even better-known. We’d be very grateful if you’d consider doing any of the following things to help us out:
Mention the podcast to a friend. In our experience, word-of-mouth is a powerful driver of podcast listens. If you know someone who’s curious about science and likes podcasts, why not point them towards The Studies Show?
Share the podcast online. As above, but IRL: telling your social-media followers that you’ve enjoyed the podcast is a great way of spreading the word.
Leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. More reviews (and, er, hopefully positive ones) help the all-powerful algorithms favour us.
Consider becoming a paid subscriber on Substack (if you aren’t already). The more paid subscribers we have, the easier we’ll find it to pay for recording and producing the podcast, and the longer we’ll be able to do it. Paid subscribers will also soon be getting some unique benefits, like paid-only episodes.
After a couple of bumper starter weeks with two episodes each, we’re settling into a one-episode-per-week rhythm. Episodes will be released early on Tuesday mornings, UK time. By the way, the next two episodes are on Ultra-Processed Foods and the AI Apocalypse.
Thanks so much for all your support, and we hope you continue to enjoy The Studies Show!
Tom & Stuart